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Steve Rima stated:
> As noted by several of you, DOE has been arrogant lord of all that it sureyed
> for half a century, creating a colossal wasteland, from sea to shining sea,
> from Long Island to Oak Ridge to Rocky Flats to Hanford. It is the world's
> worst managers in charge of the world's most hazardous materials.
Eloquently put. It is more reason for the legislation giving the NRC
oversight of all DOE facilities to be put on an accelerated
implementation. Whatever one thinks of the NRC, they do have their
act together, when compared to other entities, and recent power
reactor indicators prove this out. The nuclear power industry has
experienced phenomenal performance over the past few years.
Sandy Perle Tel:(714) 545-0100 / (800) 548-5100
Director, Technical Extension 2306
ICN Worldwide Dosimetry Division Fax:(714) 668-3149
ICN Biomedicals, Inc. E-Mail: sandyfl@earthlink.net
ICN Plaza, 3300 Hyland Avenue E-Mail: sperle@icnpharm.com
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Personal Website: http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/1205
ICN Worldwide Dosimetry Website: http://www.dosimetry.com
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