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RE: This has gotten out of hand

I must say that Neal is probably the first person I've heard make any sense
on RadSafe for quite a while.
I too am a relative new comer to this field and joined this listserver for
many of the same reasons as Neal. I too have become increasingly frustrated
at the back-biting, name calling, finger pointing, and overall character
assassination that takes place on this list every day.
I too wonder how it is that some of you people have the time to write so
many messages so many times each day. Its like you really don't have
anything better to do than argue every minute detail of every obscure point
brought up for discussion. I mean COME ON people, don't you have some work
to do? I know that I rarely have the time to even read all this nonsense let
alone answer messages ad infinitum for weeks and weeks and weeks....
One thing I truly believe at this point is that this list server, in its
present state does very little good to this profession. To those not in the
HP field, we must look like a group of juveniles fighting over the last
cookie in the jar. Personally my finger lands on the delete button
automatically when I see several of your names in my e-mail box and as this
infantile arguing continues, that auto-delete list grows bigger. I am just
about to the point now that I think I should quit this server because it
provides me with more frustration than joy.
However, I'm not willing to give up on you just yet. I'm willing to wait a
couple of days to see if all you highly educated scientists and researchers
out there have the intelligence to pull your heads out of your own butts and
get back to discussions of merit. You know, the kind of discussion which
actually helps the cause instead of breaking it down.

These words could not possibly represent the views of anyone other than

Thad Simmons, RRPT

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