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B.L. said...
(In this case the HPPOS is an official opinion of the NRC).

The HP position papers represent a starting point opinion.  I doubt that
each and every one of them went thru Commissioner approval.  A number of
them have been reversed or cancelled over time.  I saw one that was
directly opposite of the Statements of Consideration of the rule being
discussed.  So short of an opinion that has gone thru several levels of
review (or a regulation which is the ultimate 'opinion') I take these
HPPOS's as a starting point.  Of course, for the vast majority they are
also the ending point since the issue being discussed is straightforward.

But some of them are on topics for which there is far from unanimity within
NRC and are open for further interpretation.
And, of course, many of them became dated with the adoption of the 'new'
10CFR20 in '94. So the best course is frequently to consult with your
friendly regulator to get the real lowdown.

Disclaimer:  the above are the personal musings of the author, and do not
represent any past, present, or future position of NIST, the U.S. government,
or anyone else who might think that they are in a position of authority. 
Lester Slaback, Jr.  [Lester.Slaback@NIST.GOV] 
NBSR Health Physics 
Center for Neutron Research 
100 Bureau Dr.  STOP 3543 
Gaithersburg, MD  20899-3543 
301 975-5810 voice
301 921-9847 fax
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