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RE: "the CIS product", I-131 therapy solution, IS supplied

One of the references that may be of value in this discussion is the most
recent Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology.  Richard Green R.Ph. et al at
Syncor did a study of the I-131 caps that they distribute in the March 2000
issue (Vol. 28).  All of his results show that the release of volatile I-131
is less than 0.05% of the activity in the cap.  The capsule preparation,
activity loading and subsequent measurements are all detailed in the paper.

The next thing to determine is if all manufacturers generally follow the
same preparation and stabilizing methods.  Perhaps Mr. Tyree of CIS can
comment on that matter.  In this instance Syncor used EDTA as a stabilizing

Daren Perrero
nobody else but mine

-----Original Message-----
From: carol marcus [mailto:csmarcus@ucla.edu]
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2000 4:46 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: RE: "the CIS product", I-131 therapy solution, IS supplied


Dear Radsafers:

The liquid NaI-131 is stabilized before being added to the absorbent
material in the capsule.  The measurements of volatility performed in
multiple radiopharmacies with both liquid and capsule preparations showed
low volatility for both, but lower volatility for capsules than liquid.

Ciao, Carol

Carol S. Marcus, Ph.D., M.D.

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