There has been some traffic lately concerning the Rancho Seco sturdy. Can anyone tell me where I can get a copy? Is it available on the web?
With regard to D. Kosloff's critique on the Rancho Seco "study" I would like to comment that the 1961 - 1982 measurements of Sr-90 in the diet were not restricted just to the West Coast. Sr-90 and other radionuclides were measured in diets all over the country during that time period, just check the old Radiological Health Data Reports. There was a lot of data on Sr-90 in New York City diets. This was a period of atmospheric weapons testing and contaminated food was of interest. Sr-90, and Cs-137 as well, from fallout are still cycling in the environment. In our radiological environmental monitoring program we still see Sr-90 in milk. We still see Cs-137 in soil and vegetation, especially in campgrounds were the trees from the '60s are now being used for campfires and the resulting ash containing Cs-137 being spread on the grasses in the camp ground (see Stu Faber's article in the HPS newsletter from the early '90s or his abstract in the Annual Meeting from about the same time, I think it was in DC).
Just my own thoughts and not those of my company.
Kjell Johansen
Wisconsin Electric Power Co.