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URL for the NEC Final Report on DOE worker health
I have had a couple of requests for more explicit directions to the Adobe
Acrobat PDF file containing the Final Report of the Interagency Working Group
looking at worker health in the DOE weapons complex.
Go to <www.eh.doe.gov/benefits>, click on _NEC Reports ..._ , click on _The Link
Between Exposures to Occupational Hazards and Illnesses in the Department of
Contractor Workers_. This will lead you to a 628Kbyte PDF file that you can
either open or save to disk. You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader program,
available for downloading from many places on the web, to read or print the
file. The report runs to 95 pages.
The report makes interesting reading, giving a reasonably clear picture of
overall worker health, but also spotlighting some of the weaknesses of the
report itself, of epidemiological studies in general, and of past AEC/ERDA/DOE
occupational safety practices
Best regards.
Jim Dukelow
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Richland, WA
These comments are mine and have not been reviewed and/or approved by my
management or by the U.S. Department of Energy.
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