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Re: Critics Allege Infant Mortality Rate

Some power plants have schools on the property, for the benefit of 
parents. I know at Turkey Point there is a public school on the 
property, that was donated to the county by the utility. There rae 
others around the country.

1st obvious question .. if the studies are correct, where's the 
increased cancer incidence in these school kids? According to 
Brinkley, if there is an immediate drop in cancer rates when a unit 
is shutdown, there should be an increase when the units start up and 
maintain operations. 

2nd obvious question .. Before the response comes back that this is 
only an infant effect (at what age do we have a threshold), why do we 
not see the same effect on pre-school age kids, elementary age kids, 

Data and proof please??????

Sandy Perle					Tel:(714) 545-0100 / (800) 548-5100   				    	
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