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Data collected on teeth by Tooth Fairy Project

Someone asked about the data that the project collects when they gather teeth.

Representatives from the Tooth Fairy Project gave their presentation at my
neighborhood high school one evening ( in Homestead FL) 3 or 4 months ago.  I
attended.  (as a private citizen not as a representative from my company).  I
would encourage you to attend one of their meetings if you have the opportunity,
so you can be prepared to answer questions you may be getting from your
neighbors and your children's teachers.   We need to stay informed on what the
people associated with the project are saying - which included encouraging the
audience (of about 20 or so people) not to drink the local water, not to eat the
local fish, and to take calcium to protect our bones.  It was interesting to say
the least.

I have their packet of handouts here, which happens to contain one of their
teeth collecting envelopes.  (text posted below)

Julie Shafer
Dosimetry Supv
FPL/Turkey Point
my opinions and mine alone

Here is the text of the outside of their teeth collecting envelopes:

Radiation and Public Health Project
PO box 60  Unionville NY 10988

The Radiation and Public Health Project is currently collecting children's teeth
in order to measure radioactivity (Strontium 90) deposited in teeth since 1970.
Please fill out the following form and send the teeth to the address given
above.  Thank you.  Dr. Jay Gould (Director: RPHP).

Mother's name
Child's  name
Birth date
Birth weight
Location when mother was carrying baby (City, State, County)
Location  where child was born (City, State, County)
Location during first year of life:  (City, State, County)
Second year (City, State, County)
Water source:  (from a well, from municipal water, bottled water, or ?)
Mother's age at birth of child
Age of child when tooth was lost (or date of loss)

You may not have all the information requested.  Please supply us with the
information you have, and don't worry about the information you can't recall.
It is very important that you enter the child's  birth data and location when
mother was carrying baby.

How to send teeth:
If not already clean, wash the teeth and let them dry.
Wrap each tooth in paper and cushion with tissue or something similar.
Place teeth in this envelope, seal, and mail to above address.
Important:  Please include the tooth or teeth of only one child per envelope.
Use separate envelopes for the tooth or teeth of each child.  For more
envelopes, call toll free 1-800-582-3716

The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html