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Re: Tooth Fairy Project
Can Franz and Norm please stop the bullshit and get on with Radiation
I am tired of getting 30 or 40 messages per day regarding this little
Mike Zittle
Health Physicist
California Institute of Technology
(626) 395-2430
----- Original Message -----
From: "Franz Schoenhofer" <schoenho@via.at>
To: "Multiple recipients of list" <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2000 4:17 PM
Subject: Tooth Fairy Project
> Norman,
> You know by now very well that I am harsh, that I have offended you by
> asking you for an explanation why you are posting to RADSAFE.
> Now I am getting even harsher (or probably it should read "more harsh") by
> asking you a few terribly simple questions:
> What are the levels of Sr-90 found in the teeth analysed by the Tooth
> Project? I request data, indicating Sr-90 concentrations per grams of dry
> weight, ratios of Sr-90 to calcium and Sr-90 to Sr-stable. I request
> information about the time of collection. I request information about the
> analytical protocol used to measure the Sr-90 concentration. I request
> information whether the laboratories were certified.
> Until now you have not provided any of these data. If you claim all the
> kind of infant mortality, breast cancer, leukemia which is at least close
> to accusation of crime you are in my opinion obliged morally to inform
> about the background of your claims.
> I will go so far to tell you, if you do not provide the data on the Sr-90
> in teeth you are in my opinion not entitled to continue your claims on the
> impact of Sr-90 on the health of children and grown-ups. This does of
> course not prevent you to continue your postings to RADSAFE - how should I
> forbid it? - but then you have lost the last credibility for me and I will
> withdraw from the discussion. This might be fine for some others.
> If you provide the data I would be more than happy to compare them with
> studies of childrens teeth, wild animals, world wide precipitation and so
> on, because I am very interested in this topic. I will of course
> this on RADSAFE.
> Franz
> Franz Schoenhofer
> Habicherg. 31/7
> A-1160 Vienna
> Austria
> Tel.: +43-1-495 53 08
> Fax.: same number
> mobile phone: +43-664-338 0 333
> e-mail: schoenho@via.at
> Office:
> Hofrat Dr. Franz Schoenhofer
> Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water
> Radiation Protection Department (BMLFUW I/8 U)
> Radetzkystr. 2
> A-1031 Vienna
> phone: -43-1-71172-4458
> fax: -43-1-7122331
> ************************************************************************
> The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
> information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html
The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html