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RE: Solar Panels
Hi Bruce,
Interesting story you posted...
....check out this one - also on the same subject of solar panels - this
time in the tropics of the Pacific Ocean :
PALIKIR, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia (March 10, 2000 - Island
Tribune)---The FSM National Public Auditor has completed a new audit
entitled "Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Financed by the Compact of Free
Association: Fiscal Years 1997 and 1998." The audit, which was released on
February 17, 2000, suggests that there has been little improvement in the
management of public project in recent years. The results are very similar
to those of earlier audits. National public project money continues to be
poorly utilized, at best.
PPW Solar Lighting System: The project's stated purpose was to purchase and
install solar lighting in the municipal offices of Polle, Paata and Wonei
(PPW). The total funded amount of $15,000 was fully expended as of fiscal
year 1998.
RESULTS: Solar lighting was distributed to certain private residents of
Polle, Paata and Wonei and not to the municipal offices. Thus, only a few
residents benefited from the project. Each beneficiary was given a solar
lamp, with an 8" x 10" solar panel, battery and extension cord. We inspected
all 4 solar systems and found that they were out of order. Their owners
indicated they broke within 1 to 3 months after installation.
> ----------
> From: Heinmiller, Bruce[SMTP:heinmillerb@aecl.ca]
> Reply To: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
> Sent: Tuesday May 02, 2000 3:42 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: RE: Solar Panels
> I'd be interested in the number as well. I have an unofficial energy
> manufacturing cost of 1360 kWh/m^2 of photovoltaic panels. Assuming a
> very
> generous installed electricity production rate of 0.4 kWh/d.m^2, the
> energy
> payback time would be almost 10 years.
> But I'm skeptical about my 0.4 kWh/d.m^2. I was at Mountain Equipment
> Co-op
> in Toronto a couple years ago near noon on a largely cloudless day in
> June.
> This store touts there "1-kW" roof-mounted solar panel unit (with a power
> meter at street-level) as a model of environmental stewardship. When I
> was
> there, the display was, for some reason, cycling from zero W to about 250
> W
> (plus or minus 30 W) when the sky was cloudless. When a puff of cumulous
> cloud intervened for a minute, the display read "sleeping", which I
> interpreted quantitatively as zero W. The following year (last year) I
> happened to be there again on a cloudless day in June (my records indicate
> Sunday, June 6, 12:00), and the unit was behaving more consistently - it
> continuously read "sleeping" on that beautiful day about two weeks shy of
> summer solstice.
> I wouldn't need a lot of convincing that these trinkets are a net energy
> drain. Furthermore, I'd like to see a comprehensive safety analysis
> report
> for this technology, including waste management, construction, and
> maintenance risks (even per unit gross energy produced).
> Bruce Heinmiller
> heinmillerb@aecl.ca
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