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"mind set"
Norm wrote:
> I am convinced that you believe what you believe, etc. The only
area I'd
> differ is that I might use or add the word "culture" or "mind set" to what
you say.
Interesting point here (well at least to me, I'm a geek). The "mind set" of
scientists is formed in a completely different way than that of many other
groups. We do not change our collective minds until something has been
proven, via the scientific method (a very well defined process), through
evidence and logic. The scientific "mind set" changes in sweeping ways only
very rarely (e.g. the introduction of relativistic thinking in physics), in
moderate ways only with difficulty, and in smaller ways frequently. This
does not imply that there are not biases, or resistence to valid new
thoughts at times.
But there is a strict process that something has to pass through, and not
just by one author or group, several independent authors or groups, before
the collective "mind set" will change. Our "mind set" at present is not
based on prejudices based on keeping our jobs (for example), but on the
collective body of scientific evidence that we all share. As that body of
evidence changes, which it does daily, at times the "mind set" may change.
If some actor or supermodel goes on television and makes emotional appeals
based on some influential literature from an anti-nuke group she has read
(regardless of her previous training in quantum physics (!) ), this may
change the "mind set" of a number of television viewers, but is naturally
regarded with disdain by scientists. Our "mind set" could definitely change
if we were given the facts and evidence, measured under controlled and
reproducible conditions, but a very, very large body of quite reliable
evidence at present leads us to think otherwise. Again, this is nothing
akin to political party loyalty, labor/management thinking, or the like. If
the data are there, I guarantee you, the "mind set" will change.
Michael Stabin
Departamento de Energia Nuclear/UFPE
Av. Prof. Luiz Freire, 1000 - Cidade Universitaria
CEP 50740 - 540
Recife - PE
Phone 55-81-271-8251 or 8252 or 8253
Fax 55-81-271-8250
E-mail stabin@npd.ufpe.br
"Quantum Mechanics: The dreams stuff is made of"
- Steven Wright
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