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Re: "mind set"
>>> Michael Stabin <stabin@npd.ufpe.br> May 4, 2000 11:38 >>>
>...That's why I'm more of an optimist that in science truth will always
>prevail, and I don't think that a whole generation has to die out before
>good theories replace the bad, once the evidence is there.
>Perhaps before every single proponent of the bad theories shuts up,
>but not before the prevailing "mind set" changes.
The above is true for "science" but national policies are (too often)
based on emotion, not science.
The real reason that Norm has been on his jihad of no nukes is
that Norm is afraid of NORM!
If we let the next generation learn their science from fading super-
models and "science" teachers with lots of "education" degrees but
so little "science" that they allow the "X-ray" science fair project,
we'll be visited with another science fiction writer's prediction of the
future, Kornbluth's "The Marching Morons"
Any of you radsafers that want to do something, don't give up.
Frank R. Borger - Senior Physicist, Gammex RMI
fborger@gammex.com phn 608-828-7289 fax 608-828-7500
How many physicists does it take to change a light bulb?
Only one. According to Heisenberg, all you have to do
is observe the light bulb, and you change it.
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