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RE: How much plutonium?????
The way I put plutonium hazard into perspective is by comparing it to
Th-232. This is a radionuclide present in the environment from natural
sources that many of us have a body burden of just from eating food grown in
the soil and drinking water. Yet, the ALI (ICRP-61) for ingestion of Th-232
is less than that for Pu-238 and Pu-239. This tells me that the CEDE does
not accurately predict the true hazard of these actinides, i.e., it
overestimates the hazard greatly. Certainly, if a small amount of Pu could
kill everyone on the planet, we'd all be dead from exposure to Th.
C. A. Gus Potter
Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, New Mexico
(505) 844-2750
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