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FW: A Brief Survey - Shirts

-----Original Message-----
From: Vernig, Peter G. 
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2000 1:16 PM
To: 'radsafe@romulus.uiuc.ehs.edu'
Subject: FW: A Brief Survey - Shirts

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Vernig, Peter G. 
> Sent:	Thursday, May 11, 2000 10:00 AM
> To:	'm-woo@uiuc.edu'
> Subject:	A Brief Survey - Shirts
> Group,
> PLEASE RESPOND  TO ME DIRECTLY!	  peter.vernig@med.va.gov
> The Central Rocky Mt. Chapter of the HPS will be offering two kinds of
> shirts for sale at the ARSCE meeting in June.
> Knit, pull over, three button, all cotton, putty [light tan] shirts with
> an embroidered logo @ $27 & $29 for 2X-Lg
> All cotton ash [light grey] T-shirt with logo silk screened on. @ $10 &
> $11 for 2 X-Lg
> The survey question is, if you were going to buy one which would you buy?
> PLEASE RESPOND  TO ME DIRECTLY!	  peter.vernig@med.va.gov
> That's it.  I am not asking anything else.  I think I know how many we
> should get, relative to attendance and sizes thanks to people from other
> LACs that have been kind enough to provide information.  But this is the
> first time, to my knowledge that both T and golf style shirts are being
> offered and I am uncertain of the mix We should order.
> FYI Shirts will be available for advance purchase at the web site at a
> discount for pick up at the conference.
> http://www.webpanache.com/crmchps/
> If you would want a small I strongly recommend ordering in advance because
> we'll only order a few and if you want a 3X that's the only way you'll get
> one because there is a $4 surcharge for that size.
> PLEASE RESPOND  TO ME DIRECTLY!	  peter.vernig@med.va.gov
> Any opinions expressed are mine alone and do not necessarily represent
> those of the Denver VA Medical Center, The Department of Veterans Affairs,
> or the U.S. Government.
> Peter G. Vernig                
> Radiation Safety Officer, VA Medical Center, 1055 Clermont St. Denver, CO
> 80220, ATTN; RSO MS 115
> 303-399-8020 ext. 2447, peter.vernig@med.va.gov [alternate
> vernig.peter@forum.va.gov] Fax 303-393-5026 [8 - 4:30 MT service]
> Alternate Fax 303-377-5686
> "...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,, whatever is
> pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is found to
> be excellent or praiseworthy, let your mind dwell on these things."
> Paul
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