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Re: RADSAFE digest 3179

<< I believe that their point is EXACTLY that manmade is indistinguishable
 > from natural for identical isotopes - the only difference being in the
 > mix.  Thus if a marker typical of a reactor emmission and NOT naturally
 > occurring is present - then it is reasonable to presume that it is
 > accompanied by other manmade isotopes not so easily distinguished - but
 > none the less ADDED.

Norm writes in response to above  
 -------- yes -----------

My comments:  Various activists may believe various things but I believe that 
Gould has claimed that there is a difference between the health effects of 
natural and artificial radionuclides because man has been exposed to natural 
radionuclides for so long.  I had a discussion with him about this on some 
web site.  I am relying on memory for this but I think it is correct. He 
didn't want to discuss the issue and other issues at much length.  He also 
claimed that the total background (natural plus man-made) has increased since 
the advent of nuclear testing by a measurable amount.  But when pressed for 
evidence of this, he could provide none.  I raised this issue because that 
would seem necessary, from his point of view,  to sustain his claims. 

R. Holloway
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