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Brunswick Plant Ranks as Top Boiling-water Reactor in the U.S.
SOUTHPORT, N.C., May 30 /PRNewswire/ -- Carolina Power and Light's
(NYSE: CPL) Brunswick Nuclear Plant ranked No. 1 in production and
cost in 1999 for Boiling Water Reactors (BWR) in the United States,
according to industry data.
Performance and cost rankings are based on three-year average data
from the Electric Utilities Cost Group. In the area of performance,
the Brunswick Plant had a 93.9 percent capacity factor. The nuclear
industry average in 1999 was 80.5 percent. Capacity factor is a
measurement of the plant's generation output as compared to its rated
The cost data from the Electric Utilities Cost group also show that
Brunswick ranked at the top of the BWR list.
"It is clearly the dedication and teamwork of the Brunswick employees
that enabled us to achieve these high levels of performance while
safely and economically producing electricity for our customers,"
said Jack Keenan, Brunswick Plant vice president.
"Our focus on continuous improvement in the areas of human
performance and equipment reliability is directly improving our
overall performance," Keenan said.
To reduce the potential for human errors, the Brunswick Team
developed a comprehensive Human Performance program that provides
ongoing training to employees on error-likely situations and how to
prevent them. In addition, the site adopted a "Zero Tolerance to
Equipment Failure" initiative, which provides a plan for identifying
possible equipment issues and fixing them before problems occur.
"Both of these programs focus on proactive performance, which is
essential for Brunswick to continue to reach higher levels of
performance," Keenan said. "We are committed to the safe production
of electricity, giving our customers reliable and cost-efficient
The Brunswick Plant also marked another performance milestone in
March by completing a refueling outage in less than 30 days.
Brunswick successfully completed a 27-day refueling outage on Unit 1
March 24, beating the unit's previous best of 33 days.
"Conducting a safe, efficient refueling outage is critical to our
overall performance. The refueling outage sets the stage for the
unit's performance for the next two years," Keenan said. The dual-
unit Brunswick Plant refuels each unit every 24 months.
CP&L's four nuclear reactors at three locations produced 46 percent
of the company's electricity in 1999. CP&L provides electricity and
energy services to nearly 1.2 million customers in the Carolinas and
natural gas, through its wholly owned NCNG subsidiary, to 178,000
customers in North Carolina.
Sandy Perle Tel:(714) 545-0100 / (800) 548-5100
Director, Technical Extension 2306
ICN Worldwide Dosimetry Division Fax:(714) 668-3149
ICN Biomedicals, Inc. E-Mail: sandyfl@earthlink.net
ICN Plaza, 3300 Hyland Avenue E-Mail: sperle@icnpharm.com
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Personal Website: http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/1205
ICN Worldwide Dosimetry Website: http://www.dosimetry.com
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