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Clinton to Discuss Chernobyl Closure in Kiev Visit, Paper Says

Clinton to Discuss Chernobyl Closure in Kiev Visit, Paper Says

Kiev, May 30 (Bloomberg) -- The closure of Ukraine's Chernobyl 
nuclear power plant, the site of the world's worst nuclear plant 
disaster, will a main topic between U.S. President Bill Clinton and 
Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma in Kiev in early June, Kievskie 
Vedomosti Ukrainian daily newspaper reported, citing Steven Pifer, 
U.S. ambassador for Ukraine. The approval of an exact date for 
Chernobyl's closure would be ``very useful'' for Ukraine as it would 
help the country get more aid from abroad, Pifer said. The U.S. 
government will soon announce its new ``financial contribution'' for 
construction of a new protective enclosure around Chernobyl's fourth 
reactor, which exploded in 1986, the newspaper reported, citing 

Ukraine said it plans to close Chernobyl by mid-November and is still 
awaiting approval of Western funding to help finance new replacement 
sources of electricity following the closure.

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