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Re: Zbigniew Jaworowski, BBC Interview
Michael Stabin wrote:
> Dear Jim -
> Very nice piece - clear headed, persuasive, visionary. A keeper for the
> hard disk. Do you have the reference for the Phys Today article? I think
> it went by on RS some weeks ago, but I didn't note it at the time. Thanks.
> Michael Stabin
> Departamento de Energia Nuclear/UFPE
> Av. Prof. Luiz Freire, 1000 - Cidade Universitaria
> CEP 50740 - 540
> Recife - PE
> Brazil
> Phone 55-81-271-8251 or 8252 or 8253
> Fax 55-81-271-8250
> E-mail stabin@npd.ufpe.br
> "Quantum Mechanics: The dreams stuff is made of"
> - Steven Wright
Good to hear from you.
The ref is "Physics Today," Sept. 1999, Am Inst of Physics, pp24-29.
You can also read it at:
Note: There are letters and responses in the April and May 2000 Physics Today
Note: This was submitted to the BRPS conference, along with a statement that
this ICRP/IAEA-controlled conference failed to invite any of the identified
critics (except Klaus Becker 'by accident' :-), starting with Jaworowski and
Rossi. They now claim to have reached an "international consensus" (to pursue
"business-as-usual, except for even more extreme limits and costs for no
public benefits)." This was seemingly organized to be committed to rescind
the unimplemented Wingspread agreements. Fortunately, even at IRPA the msg
seemed to be getting strong - the cracks in the foundation of the "Berlin
wall" for anyone willing to look! :-)
Regards, Jim
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