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30 mCi of I-131

Does anyone have a **documented** reference on which the release criterion
of 30 mCi for I-131 therapy patients, employed for so many years, was based?
We are trying to cite this in a paper, and need an objective reference if
possible.  I remember hearing once that it was based on some real
calculations, regarding contact of the radioactive patient with the public
and family members, occupancy factors, etc., but I can't find the specifics
of this calculation, if it exists, or the source.  (I am aware of the newer
Nureg and RegGuide on this subject, but we want to reference this earlier
standard in our discussion.)  Thanks in advance for any help.

Michael Stabin, PhD, CHP
Departamento de Energia Nuclear/UFPE
Av. Prof. Luiz Freire, 1000 - Cidade Universitaria
CEP 50740 - 540
Recife - PE
Phone 55-81-271-8251 or 8252 or 8253
Fax  55-81-271-8250
E-mail stabin@npd.ufpe.br

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