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Most of the follow-up epidemiologic studies performed around TMI have used
the dose assessment by Gur et al. (Proceedings of the PA Academy of Science
57:99-102, 1983) as the "gold" standard for exposure assignment for
individuals in areas within 5 miles of TMI. Gur et al. estimates that the
average likely and average maximum possible gamma doses are 9 and 25 mrems,
respectively. Gur's dose estimates deal only with "whole body gamma dose"
from inert gases and not with thyroid dose due to inhalation and/or ingestion
of radioiodine.
The counties surrounding TMI have some of the highest regional radon
concentrations in the nation. If Gur's dose estimates are correct, how can
epidemiologic studies be performed without adjusting for radon? It likely
represents the greatest radiation dose to the average individual around TMI.
Do most people think Gur's exposure assessment method is the best that can be
Has anyone attempted to update these dose estimates since 1983?
Bill Field
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