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Re: S-35 Spill at UCSD

Thanks to Joel for posting.

This incident and the outfall could have been eliminated if someone, 
just one person, had the common sense to do the right things. No 
reason that this ever happened, and worse of all, made the media. 
This hurts everyone in the industry. Errors in judgment include:

(1)  not mistakenly set a plastic container full of radioisotopic     
      waste on the floor. (no thought given to what was inside, and,  
      placing it in an area where it obviously could have ben kicked)

(2) Nobody cleaning up the spill (which had to have been obvious to   
     someone. Doesn't anybody ever look down when they walk?)

(3) Weren't area surveys performed> If the janitor was cleaning up, I 
     assume that this occurred at night. Didn't anyone perform a      
     survey before closing up shop for the day?

Sandy Perle					Tel:(714) 545-0100 / (800) 548-5100   				    	
Director, Technical				Extension 2306 				     	
ICN Worldwide Dosimetry Division		Fax:(714) 668-3149 	                   		    
ICN Biomedicals, Inc.				E-Mail: sandyfl@earthlink.net 				                           
ICN Plaza, 3300 Hyland Avenue  		E-Mail: sperle@icnpharm.com          	          
Costa Mesa, CA 92626                                      

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