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Re: S-35 Spill at UCSD
At 11:41 13.07.2000 -0500, you wrote:
>A small S-35 spill at University of California, San Diego made the news
>here. Seems like UCSD has had "more" than their share of problems
>recently. Still no RSO?
>I "hope" this comes through on everyone's computer - some "older" browsers
>may have problems reading it. Here is the website:
>http://www.uniontrib.com/ you can find the article in the "local news"...jb
I miss here - as is always the case when mass media report on contamination
and accidents - the information on how much was spilled in terms of mBq
(sorry my US friends, femtoCuries). Any estimation of doses - above nanoSv
(or 100 nanorem) or below femtoSv (or 100 femtorem)?
In the opinion of journalists "Radioactivity is Radioactivity", whether it
is MCi or mCi, GBq or mBq!
The same seems true concerning the message containing news from Hanford,
posted by Sandy. I missed any numbers, but I have not checked the web-site
mentioned in this message.
Franz Schoenhofer
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Ministerialrat Dr. Franz Schoenhofer
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