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Combined Heath and Safety Tech and Radcon Tech Training and QualProgram

I am the new Health and Safety Technician training program manager at 
LLNL.  LLNL trains and qualifies HSTs to conduct, concurrently, both 
RCT and HST duties.  For years this organization has "attempted" to 
build a program to train both RCTs and HSTs. They succeeded in 
building a pretty good RCT training and qualification program. Now, I 
have taken on the task of building the HST part, i.e. Industrial 
Safety, Industrial Hygiene, Explosives Safety, and Fire Protection. 
Do any other organizations have a job description for HST similar to 
what I have described here at LLNL? Which organizations have a formal 
HST training and qualification program? Has anyone reviewed and 
adopted or used the draft Health and Safety Technician ANSI standard 
currently being written?
Jerry W. Hopkins
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, Ca.
Hazards Control Department
Education and Training Division
Health and Safety Technician Trainer
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