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proposed changes to NRC transport regs
The NRC published a notice of a proposed "Major Revision to 10 CF Part
71 ..." in today's (July 17, 2000) "Federal Register." They request
public comments, which are due by September 30, 2000. This is the NRC
counterpart to the DOT, "advance notice of proposed rulemaking,"
published at the end of 1999.
The question is similar to that raised by DOT: To what extent should 10
CFR 71 become compatible with the IAEA Safety Standards Series No.
ST-1? Some of the issues on which the NRC requests comments are:
1. changing to SI units only,
2. adopting the radionuclide specific exemption values of ST-1, instead
of the current exemption value of 2 nCi/g,
4. adopting the proposed, new A1 and A2 values,
5. UF6 packaging requirements,
6. new, "Type C " packages for air transport,
7. expanding the scope of packages requiring the deep immersion test,
8. limiting the "grandfathering" of previously approved packages to
designs that were certified under the last two major revisions of these
9. changes to definitions
10. fissile material exemptions
11. proposed higher contamination limits for spent fuel and high level
waste packages
All Radsafers who transport radioactive material whould review this
proposal and submit comments.
In addition to requesting written comments, the NRC will hold 3 public
meetings on this proposed revision.
The opinions expressed are strictly mine.
It's not about dose, it's about trust.
Bill Lipton
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