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Re: Laser corrective eye surgery
A quick review of the Rockwell Laser Industries (www.rli.com) web
site showed links to several sources regarding laser eye surgery. I
looked at the site for The Laser Center (www.tlcvision.com) and it
gave a brief description of the Lasik procedure, which did include
mention of the eye healing itself. Perhaps the information in the
PEP session was referring to a possibility of the ablated tissue
growing back.
>Hello everyone,
>At the recent Annual conference in Denver, I attended an PEP course on
>Laser safety. During that course it was suggested that corrective eye
>surgery actually was an unhealing Laser radiation induced tissue injury to
>the eye, with the thought being if it healed that the eye would again not
>see correctly. I think this procedure is the flap and zap one.
>Does anyone have any comment as to the validity of this theory and could
>you point me in the direction of some reference material that discusses
>Thank you,
>Mark Dater
>Nexstar Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
>These are my comments or questions alone and not those of my Employer
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Kim Merritt, RRPT
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Physics Directorate Safety Support Officer
phone: (925)423-9668 fax: (925)422-7160
e-mail: merritt9@llnl.gov
"If the only tool you own is a hammer, every
problem begins to resemble a nail."
Abraham Maslow
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