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Re: PPE in biomedical research
One gloved hand and one not is not common practice in any of the
Institutions I have had experience with in the UK, although some
researchers do adopt the practice. In such cases I consider it is there
prerogative. I do advocate in training courses, however, both hands gloved
and the use of tissues to handle items like monitors, switches, door
handles etc.
What I wasn't too impressesd with is the cover photograph on the August
Operational Radiation Safety supplement to Health Physics. It shows
students on a training course handling counting equipment with potentially
contaminated gloved hands. Not a recommended practice.
David Hornsey
* David J. Hornsey, Radiation Safety.*
* South Building, *
* University of Bath *
* Claverton Down, *
* Bath BA2 7AY. UK. *
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* tel:01225 826540 *
* fax:01225 826779 *
* e-mail: d.j.hornsey@bath.ac.uk *
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