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RE: Lab Tests Indicate Plutonium in Air
Here is a link which has all the numbers:
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael McNaughton [mailto:mcnaught@lanl.gov]
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 07:41
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: RE: Lab Tests Indicate Plutonium in Air
Are there any data on an official site, e.g., pnl.gov or epa.gov? If not,
why not? Why do we rely on the newspapers for these data?
At 12:50 PM 7/27/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Here are the figures as released in an article in the local (Richland, Wa
>area) newspaper. All are for Pu239.
>.00036pci/m^3 in downtown Richland
>.00042pci/m^3 across Columbia river in Pasco, Wa area (southeast of Hanford
>.00012-.00023pci/m^3 at various other sites around Richland area
>For a baseline of "normal" concentration of Pu 239 in the air at Hanford
>site boundary the following was given: ~.0000003pci/m^3
Mike McNaughton
email: mcnaught@LANL.gov or mcnaughton@LANL.gov
phone: (505)667-6130
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