Official: yes
Dear Mr. Peters and rad safers,
Few weeks ago I send an email on rad safe server to explain the radiation [protection in our hospital and its relevance to ISO 9002.
We are already in contact with TLD vendors and are about to have TLD monitoring soon. Previously our hospital used to have Film badge monitoring which I did not know as I joined in recently and am in contact with the TLD vendors. So we are going through an improvement stage. It is requested that please do not quote me for what I said in my previous email to other people and ignore them considering a personal remark rather then some collective issue. Please note that I am the first Physicist in Radiology in Pakistan as hired by our hospital with Radiation Safety as one important thing to improve. This can be further guessed from the fact that we are going for JCIA in the near future.
Please contact me if you want any further details.
Ishtiaq Hussain