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Uranium in water by Gamma Spec?

Paul Charp wrote:
>Subject: uranium in drinking water
>We have been involved with this situation for about a week. The uranium
>data we have received thusfar is that the uranium analysis was performed by
>gamma spec with the following results listed as pCi/L:
>U-nat 758 +/- 140 mda 0.8
>U 235 7 +/- 2 mda 0.5
>U 234 512 +/- 95 mda 0.8
>U 238 224 +/- 42 mda 0.7
>the total alpha was measured at 882 pCi/L with no indication of the method
>used for this analysis
I would question the method and accuracy of these "results". I doubt it is physically possible for a gamma spectroscopy system (HPGe) to count a water sample large enough and/or long enough to measure to these reported mda's.  The other thing that jumps out from this data is what gamma is being measured to determine U-234, a pure alpha emitter and no daughter in quick equilibrium? 
I would want to see some alpha spectroscopy results to be confident in this data.
Erik C. Nielsen
Antech Ltd.
c/o Westinghouse Waltz Mill Site
P.O. Box 158 (Bldg. G, M/S 62)
Madison, PA 15663
voice 724-722-5214
fax    724-722-5208
mailto: enielsen@antechltd.net