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Re: Cheney on Yucca Mountain
As a former presidential candidate (High School 1972) I can relate to the
barriers facing both candidates.
Based on the track record and pressure from Tipper, Al Gore would probably
just give the money from a canceled Yucca Mountain project to the Psyches for
something really useful to society like more Ritalin for drugging the
George might use the cost avoidance to cut taxes.
Best use of any authorized but unspent funding would be to build a nice
reprocessing facility and not have the manufactured "waste" (whatever that
is) issue to deal with at all and the citizens of Las Vegas could go back to
that productive lifesyle of doing whatever it is they do there...
The media could then focus on the new problem of what to do with all the
abandoned high-level nuclear waste (whatever that is) disposal facilities.
I'd like to see them as a retirement homestead for journalists. Nice and out
of the way... Statistically, the probability of them manufacturing some new
related twist on the non-issue of HLW disposal is well within one Sigma (and
if there are any journalists [whatever that is] out there reading this,
you're already over your head...).
Does anyone recall in the mid-80's when Japan signed an agreement with the US
Consulate to transport our "used" fuel to Britain for reprocessing? I know
one of the barriers at that time were various State Governors and transport
across State lines; some other sort of whizzing contest at the small-fry
political level. Any other barriers?
"The optimum solution to any problem is that which provides the greatest good
for the greatest number." Plato
Always my opinion and my current and any future employers should simply get
used to it...
Neil Keeney
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