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Re: Nickel-63
Hi Tracie
Well, it's true that it's not the easiest thing to find much on this
nuclide, but . . . :
pages 80 - 85 of Supplement A to Part 3 of ICRP 30, Limits for Intakes of
Radionuclides by Workers, gives the SEE's, ALI's, organ doses, etc., for
Ni-63. Pages 92 - 96 of ICRP 71, Age-Dependent Doses to Members of the
Public from Intake of Radionuclides: Pt. 4, Inhalation Dose Coefficients,
gives the latter. The fly in the ointment is that Publication 71 uses the
weighting factors from ICRP 60, while we're still using those of ICRP 26.
However, page 97 of ICRP 71 does have what looks to be an excellent little
bibliography for the toxicokinetics of nickel, and particularly Ni-63.
E.g., one citation is of this paper: Oberdorster G. (1989) Dosimetric
Principles for Extrapolating Results of Rat Inhalation Studies to Humans,
Using an Inhaled Ni Compound as an Example. Health Physics Vol 57.
pp213-220. I think that I shall just go ahead and fax a copy of it to you.
I shall presume that you are still with our friends, over in Maryland.
Break a leg
P.S. Don't you worry that your Internet handle is going to foment civil
At 12:16 PM 10/31/00 -0600, you wrote:
>Do anyone have any information as far as the biological pathway of
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