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RE: Ramsar, Iran - A.Karam & Z.Jaworowski
At 06:57 AM 11/2/00 -0600, you wrote:
> In some parts of Ramsar people are living in houses where the annual
>radiation dose is up to about 700 mGy , what is similar to the value of the
>tolerance dose from the 1920s, and corresponds to a lifetime dose of about
>50 Gy.
If I understand Andrew Karam's data, the doses mentioned above correspond
to contact doses at some parts of some walls. If so, it does not seem fair
to compare with whole-body doses.
Mike McNaughton
Los Alamos National Lab.
email: mcnaught@LANL.gov or mcnaughton@LANL.gov
phone: (505)667-6130
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