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Net Etiquette Request

I know this is an oft-repeated theme, but I get RADSAFE in digest form.  Sometimes it's really difficult to read the digest when people attach files (like resumes or replies to inquiries).  They usually come out as garbled html coding intermixed with ASCII, and are generally unreadable.
I know this may seem obvious, and I apologize again for taking up bandwidth with this, but if you need to send an individual person data, please SEND A PRIVATE EMAIL.  If it's something you think everyone will want, say so to the list.  I've gotten some pretty good links and diagnostic programs that way, and I like to know this stuff, but when I try to download my email at home, it often chokes on the digest of 100K plus someone's resume of 200K, or some program of 500K, etc.
Thank you.  I'll climb back down off my soapbox for now.  Please send all flames by PRIVATE EMAIL.
George R. Cicotte