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Re: thyroid disease article -Graves disease and Nasal Radium Irradiation
In a message dated 11/21/00 10:53:31 AM Eastern Standard Time,
frantaj@aecl.ca writes:
> > When the media learned that Bush's wife, Barbara, had been diagnosed with
> > Graves' disease just eighteen months earlier, a very rare husband-wife
> > incidence, some conspiracy theorists hinted that the White House water
> > might be a factor, a possibility laughed off by the Bush administration.
> <SNIP>
As I recall, in addition to President and Mrs. Bush both being diagnosed with
Graves' disease [hyperthyroidism] within a relatively short period of time
back in the late 1980s, the Bush's dog at the time also developed thyroid
disease. Anyone expert in PRA have the odds that a husband-wife and their
dog all get hyperthyroid disease within a year or so of each other?
This is a very important issue and not to be treated casually. In Mrs. Bush's
case, her Graves' condition went undiagnosed for a very long time [despite
her access to the finest medical care] until her symptoms became rather
severe. She began to develop exopthalmos [protruding eyes, a very late
symptom of advanced Graves] and finally received a proper diagnosis. She
wrote in her autobiography published about 1994 as I recall, that before her
diagnosis of Graves disease she suffered a long period of severe mood swings
and deep depression that caused her to consider herself a stone around the
neck of the President and to consider both divorce and at time driving her
car into bridge abutments.
Untreated nonmalignant thyroid disease, especially Graves, is a very serious
matter and it is very important that the medical profession not dismiss the
potential harm from either hyper or hypothyroidism as is so commonly done. At
the time of the Presidents' Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments
[ACHRE] deliberations back in 1994-95, ACHRE reviewed the use of nasal radium
irradiation [NRI] in a human experiment conducted on 600 Baltimore 3rd
graders from 1948 to 1953 by Johns Hopkins Hospital. Despite ACHRE's judging
that NRI had the highest risk of cancer mortality expressed over the lifetime
of a treated individual of any of the 4,000 human radiation experiments
reviewed by ACHRE, and NRI represented the only experiment that exceeded
their arbitrary threshold for medical notice and followup recommendations
[one excess cancer death per 1000 individuals treated, expressed over the
lifetime of a treated individual], they recommended no notice and no-followup
because they falsely claimed that there was no point to medical notice in
1995 because "most of the risk will probably already have been expressed"
[i.e.: they were suggesting based on general opinion, that anyone likely to
have died of head, neck, or brain cancer would already have died and
therefore why notify anyone else in the study group of possible health
problems subsequently!!!] When I discussed these pending ill-conceived
recommendations to do nothing with Dr. Eli Glatstein, a respected radiation
oncologist, former Chief of Radiation Oncology at the NCI, and the most
senior medical member of the ACHRE, before the ACHRE final report to the
President was issued, I asked him why the ACHRE had not also considered the
fact that NRI treatment of children had been found in a well designed case
controlled epidemiological study to result in a "highly statistically
significant" excess of Graves disease [Relative Risk = 8.6 vs. an untreated
control group] in about 700 NRI treated children followed up about 23 years
post irradiation on average, conducted as a Ph.D. Thesis at Johns Hopkins
[see Sandler, 1979; and Sandler, 1980 in the Radium Experiment Assessment
Project Annotated Bibliography at the REAP website]. Dr. Glatstein's comment
in Sept. 1995 at the time was that if anyone had any form of thyroid disease,
when it became severe enough they would seek medical treatment. Apparently,
even President and Mrs. Bush especially despite their access to excellent
medical care did not have timely diagnosis of their Graves disease condition
and the health effects it was causing.
Stewart Farber, MSPH
Consulting Scientist
Public Health Sciences
Director - Radium Experiment Assessment Project [REAP]
172 Old Orchard Way
Warren, VT 05674
[802] 496-3356
email: radiumproj@cs.com
REAP website: http://www.delphi.com/carsreap
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