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RE: Delivery of radioactive sources

It may be necessary to clarify your question as to whether or not your are
referring to international shipments or domestic (US). Shipments in the US
are required to be only to those persons licensed or for those products
otherwise distributed to persons exempted from licensing (i.e. smoke
detectors, etc.).  The burden is placed on the shipper to confirm that the
material shipped is indeed on a license possessed by the recipient.

Obviously NRC jurisdiction does not extend to foreign countries.  However
there are general requirements for import and export of materials identified
in 10 CFR 110.  For example in Part 100.20(C)the regulations point out that
a US exporter is still required to comply with the laws and regulations of
the recipient's government.  So if the Netherlands requires distributors to
verify a recipient has license for possession of radioactive material, then
they are obliged to do so.

As a regulator, I am sympathetic to a foreign colleagues' concerns on this
issue since I would like to see the same practice followed for any material
imported into the state of Illinois.  

The thoughts expressed are mine, mine, all mine!
I'm with the government, I'm here to help........
Daren Perrero, Health Physicist

-----Original Message-----
From: SBD [mailto:sbd@co.dnet.mindef.nl]
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 8:23 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: Delivery of radioactive sources

Hello Radsafers,

A question for our US colleagues:

Are there any legal regulations (NRC or other) telling that a company first
has to check for the presence of a license (preferably by asking for a copy
of the license) before this company is allowed to deliver a radioactive

Jetty Middelkoop
Radiological Protection Service
Netherlands Ministry of Defense

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