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Re: Yugoslav Uranium Said Dangerous
On Tue, 9 Jan 2001 11:14:39 -0600 (CST) "Bjorn Cedervall"
<bcradsafers@hotmail.com> writes:
> >What is a radioactive derivative of DU, and how does it differ from
> >radioactive derivatives of natural U?
> ---
> We annually spread about 40 tons of uranium in the form of phosphate
> fertilizers (Swedish farmland). A different form of uranium - but
> did it completely escape the attention of some massmedia?
I used to include, in my talks to new radiation workers, the estimate of
abundance of Uranium and Thorium worldwide (I don't recall the source).
It is estimated that there is an average of one ton of Uranium and 3 tons
of Thorium in the top 6 inches of soil for every square mile of 'terra
firma' worldwide. So perhaps the mass media missed your country's spread
of uranium concommitant with the phosphate fertilizers because it really
didn't amount to much!!! (Again, tongue firmly planted in cheek)
> My personal reflection only,
> Bjorn Cedervall bcradsafers@hotmail.com
I always have enjoyed reading your dispatches. Keep them coming.
Bob Scott, CHP
Roger Williams Medical Center
Providence, Rhode Island
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