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Try Street Terminal in Pittsburgh, PA

Title: Try Street Terminal in Pittsburgh, PA

Fellow Radsafers:

Thanks to USA Today's publication of the list of "companies and research sites where radioactive and toxic materials might have been processed secretly" (the value of which remains to be seen), I have received yet another request for information, this time relating to a facility in Pittsburgh. If anyone knows of some realistic connections between "secret processing" and this facility, I would appreciate the info.

The facility in question is the Try Street Terminal (TST) located at 600-620 2nd Ave in Pittsburgh, PA. So far I have ascertained that the facility is a rail terminal on the south side of Pittsburgh, PA, and was a routine stop for shipments terminating in, or passing through, Pittsburgh in the 1950's. I have not found anything indicating the TST was under contract to MED, AEC or any other federal agency for "secret processing of materials." (I know, I know, then it wouldn't be secret, would it?)

During my research I did come across (unconfirmed) documentation of rail shipments to/from E. St Louis, Buffalo/Niagara Falls and a few areas in New Jersey during the 1950's. It is known that various companies and research sites in these areas were active under MED and AEC contract for an assortment of research and production during the 40's and 50's to support the nation's early atomic weapons/energy program. No record of what was shipped to/thorough the TST is included as the documents were pretty general, so I essentially have nothing to indicate radioactive or toxic material even passed through the facility.

The 64 (thousand?) dollar question is:  have any of you, especially those who have worked in the MED/AEC arena, come across references to the Try Street Terminal in relation to "companies and research sites where radioactive and toxic materials might have been processed" (secretly or otherwise)?

I'm betting the TST was simply listed on some shipping papers and got tossed onto the list by association, but the world is full of surprises. Please let me know if any of this rings a bell and I apologize in advance for any wild goose chase(s) I may create.

Please respond directly using the email address below to minimize the traffic on Radsafe.

Thanks for your help!

Chris Hallam
Health Physicist/RSO
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District
1776 Niagara St.
Buffalo, NY  14207-3199
Phone: (716) 879-4171
Fax: (716) 879-4355
E-mail: christopher.m.hallam@usace.army.mil
Visit our web site at: http://www.lrb.usace.army.mil
Quote of the Day: "There are three kinds of people: those who can count and those who can't." - Anonymous (...but suspected to have originated from a Florida election official...)