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X-ray tube needed

We need a replacement x-ray tube for a diffraction system. The previous tube
terminated itself. It was used in the Geology Department of the University.

The tube that burned out was a Philips brand but I'm sure something
similar might work.

Type Cu
P/N 3253 /20
S/N 43474-5
Fine Focus
Filament 7.0

Philip's specifies Tube length A or B.  Ours was an A.

If you need more information about the x-ray system contact Ginny Smith, or
contact me and I will explore for you.

Ginny Smith Ph: (408) 924-5013
Fax: (408) 924-5053
San Jose State University
Geology Department
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-0102

Website: geosun.sjsu.edu

John Pickering, RSO
San Jose State University
johnjp@email.sjsu.edu or (408) 924-4818