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Re: Uranium, radium in Groundwater
A rough calculation using FGR-11 dose factors shows that if Pa-231 and Ac-227
were in equilibrium with U-235, they would be responsible for the majority of
the dose received from drinking this water. Is it realistic that those isotopes
would be soluble in ground water?
Brian Keele
"Henry Wood" <thenry@viperlink.net> on 01/25/2001 03:10:52 PM
Please respond to radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
To: Multiple recipients of list
cc: (bcc: Brian Keele/Contract/SWEC)
Subject: Uranium, radium in Groundwater
A friend recently presented me some data from a private drinking water well
(southeastern USA) that showed the following:
total uranium = 1490 ug/L
U-233/234 = 711 pCi/L
U-235/236 = 21.7 pCi/L
U-238 = 499 pCi/L
Radium-226 = 418 pCi/L
Obviously, these level exceed MCLs / risk-based activities.
My question: Is there any way possible these activities are related to a
geologic formation?
Thomas Henry Wood
Blue Ridge Environmental Consulting, Inc.
600 Highway 25 North
Travelers Rest, SC 29690
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The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html