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FW: [DOEWatch] Dr John Gofman Rebutts Nuclear Industry


> ----------
> From: 	Bill Smirnow[SMTP:smirnowb@ix.netcom.com]
> Sent: 	Tuesday, January 30, 2001 4:01 AM
> To: 	Rad-UK/Europe List; Nukenet; Nucnews List; No-Nukes Asia List;
> Downwinders List; DOE-Watch List; Abolition-Caucus
> Subject: 	[DOEWatch] Dr John Gofman Rebutts Nuclear Industry
>   http://www.ratical.org/radiation/CNR/top10args.txt
> Reprinted with permission.
>                              THE MOTHER EARTH NEWS
>                      more than a magazine... a way of life
>                       NUMBER 67    JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1981
>                     Copyright 1981 by The Mother Earth News
>      Despite the fact that nuclear power plant construction has slowed
>      since the accident at Three Mile Island. America's conflict over the
>      peaceful use of atomic energy goes on. Indeed, smarting from the
>      wounds inflicted by the near-disaster outside of Harrisburg,
>      Pennsylvania, the proponents of nuclear energy have "come out
>      swinging" with magazine and television advertisements, traveling
>      speakers, literature, and even airport advocates who loudly promote
>      their point of view.
>         Well, there's nothing wrong with people's expressing their
>      opinions, of course. On the other hand, though, the folks here at
>      MOTHER feel there's nothing wrong with rebutting such propositions
>      ... especially when the arguments seem to us to be either subtly
>      misleading or down-right incorrect. So we spent some time seeking out
>      the strongest and most commonly used pronuclear statements we could
>      find. Then we sent the arguments off to Dr. John Gofman, chairman of
>      the Committee for Nuclear Responsibility and one of our country's
>      most prominent opponents of nuclear power. The following, then, are
>      ten of the arguments most often used by proponents of nuclear power .
>      . . and Dr. Gofman's replies.
>          --------------------------------------------------------------
>         EDITOR'S NOTE: The pronuclear arguments presented here come from a
>      variety of sources: Nos. 1, 3, and 10 from national ads by America's
>      Electric Energy Companies, Dept. TMEN, Department C, P.O. Box 420,
>      Pelham Manor, New York 10803 . . . Nos. 2, 4, and 6 from Petr
>      Beckmann's The Health Hazards of NOT Going Nuclear ($5.95 postpaid
>      from The Golem Press, Dept. TMEN, Box 1342, Boulder, Colorado 80306)
>      . . . Nos. 5 and 9 from Bernard L. Cohen's opposition to John Gofman
>      as set forth in "Radiation Fantasies", Reason magazine, March 1980
>      (Reason Foundation, Dept. TMEN, 1129 State Street, No. 4, Santa
>      Barbara, California 93101) . . . No. 7 from an energy debate attended
>      by a MOTHER staffer . . . No. 8 from John Gofman's debating
>      experiences {as cited in "Irrevy": An Irreverent, Illustrated View of
>      Nuclear Power $3.95 postpaid from the Committee for Nuclear
>      Responsibility, P.O. Box 421993, San Francisco, California 94142).
>         Dr. Gofman will be the subject of the Plowboy Interview in MOTHER
>      NO. 68.
>               ----------------------------------------------------
>            Do some of the arguments of nuclear power supporters "feel"
>            wrong to you, even though you have trouble pinpointing the
>              fallacies in them? Then you'll be glad to read . . .
>                                        *
>         ARGUMENT 1: We receive more radiation sitting in our living rooms
>      than is given off by nuclear power plants. A brick wall puts out 3.5
>      millirems of radiation per year but a nuclear power plant releases
>      only 0.3 millirem in the same time period. In fact you can stand
>      right next to a nuclear power plant and receive no radiation at all.
>         GOFMAN: First let me agree that certain building materials do give
>      off enough radiation doses to deserve consideration. Let me also
>      agree that there is a very low dose of radiation emitted at the
>      fenceline of a nuclear power plant that is functioning normally If
>      this were not the case, workers couldn't park their cars nearby or
>      even approach such utilities at all.
>         However, the "no dose at fenceline" statement doesn't consider the
>      radiation people can receive from the entire nuclear power fuel
>      cycle. We need to take into account all of the steps that make up the
>      atomic energy process including the production of mountains of
>      uranium tailings (unshielded piles that are continuously releasing
>      radioactive radon) . . . the inventory of radioactive poisons--such
>      as cesium 137 strontium 90 and iodine 131--that "leak" or "puff" into
>      the atmosphere when a power plant is not functioning normally . . .
>      the quantities of radioactive wastes being moved in fallible vehicles
>      that can (and do) leak . . . and the so-called burial sites which
>      have also been shown to leak and spread their material into the
>      environment at large.
>         Now let's come to the claim that a nuclear power plant itself
>      releases only 3/10 of a millirem per year. Were that radiation
>      dose--coupled of course with other fuel cycle emissions--truly always
>      so small I would hardly waste my time concerning myself with the
>      hazards of nuclear power. But the proof that advocates of this energy
>      source have no confidence whatsoever in their estimate of the plants'
>      releases lies in their behavior with respect to the legal radiation
>      standards.
>         As late as 1979, nuclear power plants were, legally, allowed to
>      bombard the public with 170 millirems per year. When my colleague
>      Arthur Tamplin and I proposed a tenfold reduction in that standard,
>      the nuclear industry and pronuclear government agencies fought us
>      tooth and nail. Now it has to be regarded as the acme of strange
>      behavior for an industry to say, "Look, we're never going to give you
>      more than 3/10 of a millirem per year" . . . and then demand that the
>      permissible standard remain more than 500 times as high as that
>      limit! So I would say that as long as the industry fights against
>      reducing legal standards to a level comparable to the 3/10 millirem
>      per year that nuclear power advocates claim is the maximum dose per
>      plant, any member of the public can dismiss such ludicrously low
>      estimates.
>         (The legal standard was changed in 1979. It now permits 25
>      millirems per year of ionizing radiation to be passed on to the
>      general public, under normal operating conditions! The Catch-22 here
>      is that if anything occurs to make the operating conditions
>      "abnormal", a nuclear facility is permitted to release an
>      increased--and unrestricted--quantity of radiation.)
>                                        *
>         ARGUMENT 2: People living in high altitude cities, such as Denver,
>      receive twice as much natural radiation as do those living at low
>      altitudes . . . yet the residents of such cosmically bombarded
>      locales don't display double the average incidence of cancer.
>         GOFMAN: The answer to this favorite pronuclear argument is that
>      the cosmic radiation hitting the people in Denver probably does cause
>      an increase in the number of cancer cases per capita. (One should not
>      expect to find twice as many cases of cancer, of course, because
>      radiation is not the only cause of the disease.) But to statistically
>      demonstrate such a reality, we would first have to know [1] that the
>      medical reporting of disease categories was equally accurate in that
>      city and the sea-level community to which Denver was being compared,
>      [2] that the people who are considered "at risk" in both communities
>      had all lived at the same location all their lives, and [3] that any
>      other carcinogenic factors--aside from background radiation--were
>      identical in both areas. (Undoubtedly they would not be identical.)
>         The fact is that no expert in the field of vital statistics would
>      be prepared to contest the point that Denver residents may be
>      experiencing an increased cancer incidence rate as a result of cosmic
>      radiation . . . when compared with otherwise equivalent people at sea
>      level.
>                                        *
>         ARGUMENT 3: A chest X-ray exposes a person to 50 millirems of
>      radiation, and a coast-to-coast jet flight gives one a dose of 5
>      millirems. But the spokespersons of the antinuclear "movement" don't
>      complain about those hazards.
>         GOFMAN: An individual has the right to choose to accept the
>      radiation received by flying coast to coast or by having a chest
>      X-ray . . . in exchange for a perceived benefit for him- or herself.
>      (The dose received from a variety of medical X-rays is high enough,
>      though, that I would not recommend undergoing such examinations
>      unless the procedures are required in order to make an accurate
>      diagnosis of a potentially fatal disease.)
>         But nuclear power does not offer a voluntary choice . . . the
>      radiation released by nuclear power is imposed upon people. Indeed,
>      atomic power represents the use of an entire population as
>      involuntary guinea pigs in a gigantic game of Russian roulette . . .
>      the results of which could be an epidemic of cancer, leukemia, and
>      genetic disease. And there would be no justification for such an
>      involuntary imposition of risk even if the majority of the people in
>      a country voted in favor of nuclear power . . . because the majority
>      has no right to risk committing genocide against the minority.
>                                        *
>         ARGUMENT 4: The genetic dangers often cited by antinuclear
>      activists are obviously exaggerated, because not even the atomic
>      bombs dropped on Japan in World War II produced any harmful genetic
>      effects.
>         GOFMAN: I've often heard the statement that the Hiroshima/Nagasaki
>      data show that no genetic damage results from radiation, so I went
>      out of my way to analyze, very carefully, those particular scientific
>      papers . . . and I was astounded to discover that the findings in
>      that study were exactly the opposite of what is being claimed! The
>      often quoted Neel-Kato-Schull study examined dominant genetic
>      diseases that are expected to cause death in early life among
>      children under 17 years of age, and definitely indicated that
>      ionizing radiation increased the incidence of such diseases.
>         The Neel-Kato-Schull findings were significant at what is called
>      the "5% level", which means there's one chance in 20 that the
>      findings were the result of chance . . . and 19 chances out of 20
>      that the findings were correct. Now the scientists who did this work
>      decided that--considering the delicacy of the matter--they didn't
>      want to trumpet their results around . . . so they concluded in their
>      paper that they found "no clear effects" (my italics).
>         Well, they had indeed found that radiation has an effect on the
>      incidence of genetic damage, at the 5% level of significance. But--by
>      twisting the words in their summary--they provided pronuclear
>      advocates with the opportunity to grab at the statement that "no
>      effect was clearly observed" and then to jump to the fraudulent
>      conclusion that "no effect exists".
>         The Japanese evidence certainly does not prove the absence of
>      genetic effects of radiation.
>                                        *
>         ARGUMENT 5: Antinuclear advocates exaggerate the dangers of
>      plutonium. After all, the substance is easily safeguarded because
>      it's produced in very small quantities. Furthermore, other dangerous
>      poisons--like lead, which has an infinite half-life--are continually
>      being spewed into the environment.
>         GOFMAN: Plutonium has to be one of the most dangerous carcinogens
>      that I know of. In fact, I believe that my own estimates of its
>      toxicity--figures that are thousands of times higher than those of
>      "official" estimating bodies--may well be understated.
>         And--although nuclear advocates claim that the carcinogen is now
>      made in relatively small quantities--if we develop an industry
>      involving reprocessing fuel rods (which must surely come to pass if
>      we commit ourselves to the nuclear energy route), society will be
>      handling millions of kilograms of plutonium. Under such
>      circumstances, in order to avoid a lung cancer epidemic, the
>      containment of this plutonium will have to be 99.9999% perfect . . .
>      in other words, they'll have to safely guard all but one part in a
>      million!
>         And yes, lead does have an infinite half-life and may be injuring
>      the brains of many, many children . . . particularly those in urban
>      environments. However, pointing to the dangers of another damaging
>      pollutant to justify creating plutonium is the equivalent of arguing
>      that if others are committing murder, then additional homicide is
>      justified!
>         The correct assessment involves the realization that if we're
>      letting the lead industry get away with dangerous pollution, we
>      should do something about the lead industry . . . and not promote
>      still another dangerous violation of human rights and health.
>                                        *
>         ARGUMENT 6: If all U.S. power were nuclear in origin, the
>      radioactive waste produced would amount to only the size of one
>      aspirin tablet per person per year.
>         GOFMAN: The important concern here, of course, is not only the
>      amount of poison, but its toxicity. A fully developed nuclear
>      industry would produce more than enough hazardous substances to kill
>      everyone on the earth many times over. So the real issue is not
>      whether each citizen's "share" of such materials occupies the size of
>      a football field, a garage, or an aspirin . . . but whether one
>      hundredth, one ten-thousandth, or one millionth of the accumulated
>      poisons will escape. If the cumulative amount that is released is
>      anything like one-thousandth of the little "aspirins" nuclear
>      proponents speak about, we'll have one giant "headache": a cancer and
>      leukemia epidemic that will make all of history's advances in public
>      health care seem trivial.
>                                        *
>         ARGUMENT 7: Antinuclear activists often complain that the
>      potential damage caused by atomic power isn't covered by any
>      insurance companies. But the reason such businesses haven't insured
>      the industry is simply that they have no actuarial experience on
>      which to base their rates.
>         GOFMAN: Yes, the insurance companies have said, "We don't know the
>      safety of nuclear power plants, so we won't insure them." For this
>      reason, Congress passed--and twice renewed--the Price Anderson Act, a
>      law that relieves the nuclear power industry of any liability claims
>      beyond $560 million (a small sum in the event of a major
>      catastrophe). Congress has also decreed that the taxpayers would, in
>      effect, reimburse the nuclear industries for $460 million of that
>      $560 million!  MY ITALICS HERE-  THIS SUM IS NOW[1/30/2001] $9.43
> SEE:  http://www.geocities.com/mothersalert/crac.html
>         The insurance companies are smart . . . they don't know the risks,
>      so they won't insure. Does that mean it would be a good idea for you
>      to "bet your life" on nuclear power?
>         If the utilities were sincere about the safety claims that they
>      make publicly, they would agree to repeal the Price-Anderson Act and
>      say, "We'll put our assets on the line and insure each other." None
>      of the power companies has done so . . . which should tell you what
>      they really think about the safety of their plants.
>                                        *
>         ARGUMENT 8: Nuclear power supplies 13% of our country's
>      electricity today. If Industry is denied that energy, many jobs will
>      surely be lost.
>         GOFMAN: The relationship of employment to energy is a very complex
>      matter. If you simply shut off the electricity serving a specific
>      factory tomorrow, then of course the people working there will be out
>      of work. On the other hand, the long range increased use of
>      electricity in factories often results in more mechanization and a
>      decrease in the number of humans required to conduct the businesses'
>      activities.
>         Furthermore, there's little reason to believe that the method of
>      energy production affects employment . . . though many solar
>      advocates claim that "their" energy source will produce more jobs per
>      dollar than most other power alternatives.
>         And as for any possible energy--not jobs--shortage that could
>      occur if we were to abandon atomic power (nuclear plants do produce
>      13% of our electricity, but that amounts to only 3% of our total
>      annual energy consumption) . . . the American Institute of Architects
>      has calculated, in two carefully researched reports, that we could
>      work up to a 26% saving in America's projected energy use by 1990
>      (which would be equivalent to the production of about 430 giant
>      nuclear plants) simply by putting conventional technology to work to
>      make our buildings energy-efficient.
>                                        *
>         ARGUMENT 9: The question of the risks of nuclear power is a deeply
>      technical issue that only well-informed scientists, in that specific
>      field, can understand . . . and the majority of such people support
>      nuclear power.
>         GOFMAN: I have several things to say in response to that one!
>      First, by simply using common sense, the layman will often behave far
>      more intelligently than would a Ph.D. The ordinary man-in-the-street
>      can look at the amount of radioactivity that would be produced in a
>      full-scale nuclear industry and realize that containing such toxins
>      to 99.9999% perfection day in, day out, year in, and year out--when
>      one considers all the possible human and machine fallibilities--is
>      impossible. But the expert who looks at a computer printout based on
>      the perfect execution of a string of single operations and then
>      concludes that the toxins can be contained to one part in a million
>      is, to my way of thinking, the person who's behaving like an idiot.
>         Let me now address the idea that the majority of qualified
>      scientists support nuclear power. When considering this statement,
>      you should first realize that the U.S. government funds about half of
>      the research in this country. And, as I can tell you from my own
>      personal experience, the government doesn't like results that
>      disagree with its policies. Therefore, many scientists are publicly
>      silent on nuclear power, or declare that the issue is too
>      controversial to take a stance on, when privately they will admit
>      their reservations.
>         Most important, though, scientific truth is not a popularity
>      contest. Throughout history, almost every step forward in science was
>      resisted by the majority of contemporary scientists. When most people
>      thought that our earth was the center of the universe, the planet was
>      traveling through space just as it's doing today . . . even though
>      the "vast preponderance" of scientific opinion was steadfastly
>      against such an idea. So remember: No matter how many votes a
>      scientific committee may cast . . . the truth of nature remains
>      unchanged.
>                                        *
>         ARGUMENT 10: Every activity--including driving a car--is risky.
>      It's impossible to have a risk-free society. Consequently the
>      benefits of an action must be weighed against its hazards . . . and
>      nuclear power's benefits outweigh its risks.
>         GOFMAN: It is absolutely true that we cannot have a risk-free
>      society. And, since that's the case, we should recognize that those
>      who produce hazards for others must be fully prepared to take the
>      financial consequences of the risks. This rule does hold true among
>      individuals, and a corporation or the government should not be
>      allowed to assume the right--which individuals do not have--to
>      aggress against others. Yet nuclear power is currently absolved from
>      the responsibilities of its actions by the Price-Anderson Act.
>         Moreover, the entire concept of a benefit vs. risk doctrine is
>      immoral. There is no benefit to society that can justify the forcible
>      imposition of risks or threats to life upon individuals. Indeed,
>      there is a straight path from accepting the benefit vs. risk doctrine
>      for society as a whole to the philosophy we saw epitomized in Nazi
>      Germany.
>         Lastly, let me sum up my replies to all of the arguments presented
>      here by reminding people that the nuclear power question is
>      fundamentally a human rights issue. People have the right not to be
>      aggressed against and used as guinea pigs in a massive human
>      experiment. However a concern for human rights must not be equated
>      with a craven fear of progress or challenge! Humanity has faced very
>      difficult problems and perilous situations in the past, and shown
>      great ingenuity in devising systems that can minimize dangers in a
>      fashion which results in only voluntary risks being taken. But such
>      things have to be done in a sensible way, without coercion, and with
>      each party or industry involved taking the responsibility for his,
>      her, or its actions.
>      ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>      Radiation and Human Health, by John W. Gofman, M.D. Ph.D. R&HH
>      (available starting October 1, 1981) is a practical book which can
>      make a positive contribution to the health of those who use it, and
>      especially to the health of their children, who are the most
>      sensitive to radiation injury. The book provides necessary
>      information for making recurring personal and family decisions about
>      voluntary exposures to medical, dental, and occupational radiation.
>         928 pages, hardcover, $29.95 prepaid. CNR pays for packing and
>      shipping. Tax on Californians: $1.80.
>      Committee for Nuclear Responsibility
>      P.O. Box 421993, San Francisco, CA 94142
>                 This document is available electronically at:
>        http://www.ratical.org/radiation/CNR/top10args.html  (HTML format)
>        http://www.ratical.org/radiation/CNR/top10args.txt   (ascii TEXT)
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> Oak Ridge and its' industry minions use supplanted activist organizations
> fabricating mysterious illness directions to hide HF emission/toxic
> effects and nuclear human experiment war crimes.
> Oak Ridge and other gas diffusion sites are primarily Bhopal like chemical
> affected areas and secondarily a Chernobyl like radiation affected area.
> Gas diffusion sites are also affected with high coal power emissions and
> compounded with heavy metal toxins and hundreds of other toxic exposure
> from the plants.
> These exposures cause shortened longevity, impacted learning, and produce
> a gullible population for political and industry profiting.
> Gulf War affected have related fluoride toxic effects from nerve gases.
> In common with GW and DOE gas diffusion ills are long term halogen toxic
> insult via bioconcentration into the lymphatic system, impairment of
> macrophages, and damage to mitochondria of cells resulting in immune
> protection damage and resultant rise of viral, bacterial, microplasma, and
> fungal cell damage.
> In the new millenium, the truth will set all  free to enter a kinder and
> gentler time for environment and health.
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