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RE: How DU was used in the production of Pu
The UO3 that "we' received from Hanford, was both DU and spent fuel. The
spent fuel was more than .711% U-235, therefore enriched, albiet low level.
I do not know how much experience you have in the DOE-defense programs
production process, but Mr. Baumen can verify, that each person was only
allowed to know their piece of the puzzle. Many short duration special
projects existed over the years, that had varying impacts on the system as a
whole, eg: thorium/uranium breeder reactor project. Many had minimal
lasting impact, others were quite significant. But it would take getting
all of the players over the history of the operations together, to assess
the total impact.
It is my opinion, that if the DU shells have Pu and U-236 present, the most
likely source would be from the material that was processed through the
FMPC- Fernald, Ohio.
One important note for all: DU is used in everything from shipping
containers, to commercial aircaft parts. What were the sources of the DU
used in the commercial items. It is well known by some, that when certain
aircraft crash and burn, that it has a radioactive component to it. it
would be good to know if that component burning, has traces of Pu in it.h
-----Original Message-----
From: Bernard L Cohen
To: Multiple recipients of list
Sent: 2/2/01 9:52 AM
Subject: RE: How DU was used in the production of Pu
On Thu, 1 Feb 2001, Rodney Bauman wrote:
> Starting in 1952, the GDPs
> (mostly Paducah) received "recycled" uranium from Hanford in the form
> UO3. The UO3 was converted to UF6 and fed into the cascades to
> the natural feed stream. The program was so efficient that during FY
> approx. 65% of Paducah's cascade feed was of "recycled" origin.
-What was the source of the U03 from Hanford? If it was from Pu
production reactors, it would be depleted and therefore less efficient
a feed for a GDP than natural U.
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