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Re: How to obtain DOE Q and L clearances

When one leaves a position the clearance is usually terminated.  If one is 
going to another job requiring the same level of clearance with the same 
agency, the clearance can be transferred (when I went from EEG to Sandia, my 
DOE clearance was transferred).  If one is going to a different agency, the 
clearance is terminated.  Once a clearance is terminated, its onetime 
existence has theoretically no effect on any requested new clearance 
investigation, but of course if the new clearance is within 15 years of the 
terminated one, much of the same ground will be covered (i.e., keep your 
papers that you fill out for the clearance!).

After a clearance has been terminated, there are usually some requirements 
that the former clearance holder has to meet, like reporting foreign travel 
for a given number of years after termination.  These requirements are 

Ruth Weiner
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