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Estimation of the activity of uranyl nitrate
would anybody provide me information on the following?
One of our pathology laboratories had held some few tens of grams of uranyl
nitrate, which I think was supposed to be used as chemical stain purpose.
That vial did not have any kind of radiation signage label on its surface
but only a danger sign instead.
When a beta-gamma contamination monitor is held near it, some radiations
are detected, however a GM gamma probe shows no significant reading at all.
Would there be any U235 or U238 ? Ra226 ? Po218 ? Po214
What isotopes could possibly be left in the vial if this vial have already
been stored for more than ten years long?
What proportions of isotopes are there and what proportions of beta or
gamma emissions could be found too?
>Your feedback is appreciated.
>John Lam
>Medical Physicist
>Eastern Hospital, Hong Kong
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