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I have to honor of being 'other duties as assigned' as the radon guru for
the office.
I am trying to gather together all the valid regs, guidance, information,
papers and POCs relating to radon.  I've got most of the obvious ones; MSHA,
OSHA, BIER IV, EPA OSWERs, ARs, ETLs etc. I've got most of the RADSAFE
archive references for the last year or so, but want to be sure I haven't
missed something. 

In an effort to be thorough I'd like to ask the group to forward references,
etc. to me at


If we can do this off the list, I will compile what I get, an make it
available to the list.
Electronic versions of regs, guidance, etc. are always preferable.

Also, I would appreciate it if someone can explain the radon ALI/DAC
reasoning.  I am familiar with the BIER IV risk approach, but I thought NRC
used a dose approach.  From what I came up with for Rn-222 + Daughters, the
dose to the lung is about 0.7 rad/WLM, but the ALI is 4 WLM.

I am also looking for how others have addressed the OSHA regulations.

1) the posting requirements for radon in the workplace (7.5 pCi/l averaged
over a 40 hour work week) where the work week is greater than 75 hours (75
hr work week would require posting at 4 pCi/l)

2) exposure of workers under the age of 18 (minors allowed 10% of MPC, MPC
is 30 pCi/l)

3) work in areas with Rn concentrations greater than 30 pCi/l.

Luke McCormick
Health Physicist, HTRW-CX
12565 W. Center Rd.
Omaha, NE 68144-3869
Voice: (402) 697-2588
Fax:    (402) 697-2595
The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html