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Re: More on global warming, etc
On Thu, 26 Apr 2001 RuthWeiner@aol.com wrote:
> projected temperature changes], or about 0.2 ppm/year at post-industrial
> revolution rates.
--From 1958 to 1986, CO2 increased from 315 ppm to 350 ppm, which
is 1.2% per year. Fossil fuel burning has escalated much faster in recent
years than in the 1800s. Predictions are that it will reach 700 ppm during
this century if nothing is done about it. Populations and per capita
energy consumption in the Third World are increasing rapidly.
> All I am trying to do is point out the complexity of the problem, and the
> fact that we should not adopt a crisis mentality towards it.
--The problem of predicting consequences is extremely complex, but
some scientists do predict very substantial consequences within this
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