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RE: Fw: Russian Waste Repository
Franz Schoenhofer wrote :
What I know, is, that extensive studies have been made on the Barent Sea
disposal site of Sovjet submarines with their reactors on board or the
reactors alone. The IAEA was much involved and I am sure you can find
information on their web-site. Even a conference was held on that subject
Yes -- and there were also good reports in the publication IAEA Bulletin. As
I recall, the disposal appears fairly safe -- in the rare (two ?) cases
where fuel was left in the (fast) reactor (along with inserted shutdown
rods, of course), it was filled with solid (ie. frozen) lead-bismuth metal
and the rest of the submarine outside the reactor was flooded with molten
phenolic (which solidified) and then sunk (ie. it doesn't matter if the
steel or titanium hull corrodes away before the hulk is entombed in
On top of that, the cold water in that area seems to result in reduced
corrosion rates.
Ruth -- I don't know which SNF ocean disposal scheme you're talking about,
but I think there is (was, proposed) at least one that is very attractive
from both economic & safety point of view: it involves fission products
ONLY (ie. from reprocessing SNF) mixed with glass, which are sealed in heavy
metal cylinders shaped like slender missiles. These accelerate by gravity to
very high speed when "dropped overboard," and upon hitting the deep ocean
floor, penetrate dozens of feet into the sediment there. Sounds like a
one-way trip, for sure !!
Was this one of the options you were studying ? ...what were the problems
with this -- other than political incorrectness ?
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