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Re: Tooth Fairy Project releases Long Island results
At 10:09 AM 6/7/01 -0800, Sandy Perle wrote:
>Thanks to Peter for posting this article.
>Ah, a small glimmer of hoe! An actual acknowledgment that the levels
>in the Long Island teeth are lower than other areas. I would also
>expect that if they analyzed teeth (assumes good laboratory analysis
>techniques are employed)
This assumption quite a leap of faith. It is clear that
the TFP is not concerned with good science and proper
techniques. Our lab looked into the possibility of
analyzing some teeth from that area and we reviewed
the procedure used to produce the results that have
been released. I don't have the reference handy, but
I recall that no effort was made to separate the Sr-90
from naturally occurring radium. This fact explains
why activity values are much higher in Florida where
the groundwater is known to be higher in radium. Unless
the strontium is separated before counting, the results
are really just a measurement of gross beta activity
in the teeth.
Jeffrey Lahr
Environmental Radiation Laboratory
Georgia Tech
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