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Fwd: Announcement - Workshop on Specifications for Standard In Vivo Radiobioassay Phantoms

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Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 17:28:26 -0400
Reply-To: liste de distribution pour les RADIOCHIMISTEs ,
ken inn
Sender: liste de distribution pour les RADIOCHIMISTEs
From: ken inn
Subject: Announcement - Workshop on Specifications for Standard In Vivo
Radiobioassay Phantoms
Comments: cc: Bert Coursey , lisa.karam@nist.gov
To: RADCH-L@in2p3.fr

  Specifications for Standard In Vivo Radiobioassay Phantoms
October 29  30, 2001
NIST, Gaithersburg, MD

A Workshop of the Public & Environmental Radiation Protection &
Occupational Radiation Protection Subcommittees of the
Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards (CIRMS)


Background: Non-invasive in vivo radiobioassay (whole-body and organ counting) of personnel working with radionuclides or materials with potential radioactive contamination is a primary method dosimetrists employ for routine occupational monitoring and accident assessment. The variability among “homemade” and defacto reference phantoms can account for up to 80 percent differences among measurement laboratory results. Measurement comparability and consistency can be ensured through calibrations based on national standard realistic human-surrogates (calibration phantoms). A solution to the problem of measurement variation is the continued development of technological and measurement quality assurance bases for quantitative site-specific in vivo radiobioassay.
Considerable progress has been made in the area of in vivo metrology. Three ANSI standards on phantoms are nearing completion; a computational method for the validation of counter calibrations was completed and progress is continuing on improved phantom materials and methods of phantom comparisons. The use of the ANSI N13.30 Standard Performance Testing for Bioassay Laboratories has been adopted by USDOE, and incorporated into the DOE Laboratory Accreditation Program.

Scope: In conjunction with the annual CIRMS conference, the purpose of this workshop is to review the status of work in the field and to identify needed areas of development.  The workshop is expected to aid in the prioritization of developmental efforts, identify promising new avenues of research and identify needs that are not receiving appropriate attention. Topics will include physical phantoms, computational techniques and Measurement Quality Assurance.

Scientific Committee:   David McCurdy (Duke Engineering & Services)
                        Kenneth Swinth (Swinth Associates)
                        Kenneth Inn (NIST)
                        Peter Olsen (Battelle Pacific Northwest National Lab)

Session I       October 29      a.m. Approx.  09:45 - 12:45     [3 hours]

Session II      October 29      p.m. Approx. 13:45 - 17:30      [3 hours 45 min]

Session III     October 30      a.m. Approx. 11:00 - 12:45      [1 hour 45 min]

Session IV      October 30      p.m.  Approx. 13:45 - 15:45     [2 hours]

Preliminary Topics and Speakers
ANSI N13.30 - Matt Lardy or designation - Dave McCurdy (Duke Engr. Services)

DOELAP Phantom Needs for accreditation process  - Bob Loesch (DOE)
DOELAP thyroid Testing - Stan Morton (DOE)
Status of ANSI Anthropomorphic phantom - Dave Hickman (LLNL)
Status of ANSI torso phantom  Peter Olsen (PNNL)

MCNP Studies  Gary Kramer (Canadian Radiation Protection Bureau)

For conference registration contact:
Teresa Vincente
100 Bureau Drive
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-3461
FAX (301) 948-2067

For technical information contact:
Bert Coursey
NIST MS 8460
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8460
FAX (301) 975-5584

For maps and hotel information:

Jean-Charles ABBE
Délégation CNRS
1, Rue de la Noë
BP 92101
44321 Nantes cedex 3

Tel : 02 51 12 45 16
Fax :  02 51 81 05 77