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RE: So, is reprocessing in America's future?


Dear High Plains Drifter:

I regret to inform you of this: If anyone were to give you a specific answer

to your question, it would be a violation of their security agreement, and

subject to federal criminal prosecution.  Sorry.

Jim Stokes RRPT and former defense programs contractor

-----Original Message-----

From: High Plains Drifter

To: Bauman, Rodney L. (84U) ; RADSAFE

Sent: 7/2/01 5:04 PM

Subject: Re: So, is reprocessing in America's future?

Furthermore, most US reactors have internationally installed cameras


the top of the vessel to help verify that the "non-weapons grade"


is not pulled out and made into bombs.

However, I need some info on just how say the Hanford reactor made


grade plutonium differs than much from plutonium production during


bombardment of the applicable constituents in the fuel of a power


"In science there is only physics; everything else is stamp collecting."

                                      --Ernest Rutherford

Dean Chaney, CHP, IBA (aka High Plains Drifter)

Fairfield, CA


----- Original Message -----

From: "Bauman, Rodney L. (84U) " <84u@BECHTELJACOBS.ORG>

To: "RADSAFE" <radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu>

Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 10:25 AM

Subject: RE: So, is reprocessing in America's future?


> > I hope everyone on RadSafe knows that "weapons-grade" plutonium is


> > different from the plutonium produced in a commercial reactor. The

> > difference is in the amount of Pu-240.

> >

> [Bauman, Rodney]   I've heard this over and over again and understand


> physics behind the Pu-239/Pu-240 weapons-grade vs. reactor-grade


> argument.  But if in fact, commercial reactor spent fuel plutonium is


> suitable for weapons production, then why all the hoopla?  Why did


> Carter renounce (by Executive Order) the reprocessing of spent


> reactor fuel?  I've always been told that it was due to nuclear

> proliferation concerns - due to the production of plutonium.  But,


> who knows plutonium says that reactor-grade plutonium is useless for

> weapons.  Something stinks.


> Rodney Bauman, CHP, RRPT

> 84u@bechteljacobs.org





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