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RE: House Water & Energy Development Appropriations

Daren wrote:

>With the specific mention of the national accelerator labs, does this mean

>that the US NRC is getting into the X-ray and accelerator safety business


>well?  Wouldn't that take a major change in the enacting legislation that

>created the AEC/NRC?

The NRC is considering major changes to the AEA that would expand its

authority to machine produced radiation as well as to NARM/NORM. The States

have already been asked to comment through OAS and CRCPD, as I recall. 

As written, the AEA is an exercise of Congress' express power to provide for

the common defense. Thus, the Commission's authority extends only to

potential sources of weapons and associated byproducts (reactors, fuel, and

byproduct material).  To extend the Commission's authority beyond this to

sources of radiation having no strategic significance, would require

Congress recast the AEA entirely. By doing so it will necessarily impinge on

the States' traditional police powers.  This is a big deal, and should not

be taken lightly.

Clayton J. Bradt, CHP

Principal Radiophysicist

NYS Dept. of Labor

Radiological Health Unit

voice: (518) 457-1202

fax:    (518) 485-7406


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